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Training Teens to Live for Christ

At Sparlingville Baptist Church, we place an emphasis on families. That is why we endeavor to ensure that each member of your family has a place where they can learn more about God's Word with people their own age.

We know that the teenage years are formative ones, where your children and quickly becoming the adults that they will one day be. Our Youth Group seeks to provide an environment where your teenagers can learn to become Godly adults, and can build friendships with other teens.


Bro. T3 Jones teaches the teens every week in a separate Sunday School class and Wednesday night Bible Study. During this time, he hopes to prepare your teens for Christian adulthood. Every year the teens attend Teen Summer Camp at Hoosier Hills Baptist Camp in Indiana, as well as several Youth Conferences at churches of like faith during the non-summer months.

Once a month, a family from the church opens their home to the Youth Group for a Teen Afterglow after the Evening Service on a Sunday. During this time, the teens will eat, play games, and be challenged from the Word of God.

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For any other questions regarding our youth group, or to ask about helping with the youth group, please speak with Bro. T3 Jones.


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